Listen To That Golden Sound!

We’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the top artists in the vocal music world including multi-award winners like The Nor’easters, The Vassar Devils, Pitch Slapped, Faux Paz, The Swingles, Gestalt, OneVoice, and more. Our productions include everything from singles to live audio to full length albums.

“Ang has this innate ability to reach into your music and delicately cup its emotional core in the palm of her hand. Whether in her powerful work as a producer or her thoughtful leadership as a vocal coach and educator, she strives to nurture that which is most emotive in the music and help it blossom into something rich and beautiful. I’m always excited to find out that Ang is going to be working on an arrangement of mine, for I know without a doubt that that mix is going to take the music to the next level (aka, that thing’s gonna SLAP).”
— Matt Goldstein - Arranger, The Vassar Devils, Hyannis Sound